All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them.
Don’t count the days, make the days count!
Бях прекарал много време в Канада в младостта си. Университет, различни работни места, но в основата на всичко беше образованието. Веднага след като пристигнах в Монреал, започнах работа в център за деца имигранти. Честно казано, най-хубавите ми спомени. Но докато се подготвях за университет, направих сертификат от YMCA за личен треньор. Влизайки в университета Конкордия с история и икономика, едновременно започнах работа във физкултурния салон на университета. Помагане и грижа за клиентите по малко по-различен начин за тяхното здраве, удоволствие и благополучие. Междувременно направих сертификат по международни финанси в Concordia Continuing Education, както и разбрах какво означава устойчиво развитие в колежа в Concordia-Loyola International. Малко преди да завърша се пробвах като учител по история в Българския културен център в Монреал – Зорница. Но едно от най-скъпите ми преживявания беше като личен асистент на един от кандидатите за кмет на Монреал – Мари Хосе Мастермонако. Ставането на част от екипа на Либералната партия ми помогна да разбера как работи демократичният процес в Северна Америка, какво означават принципите, морала и етиката, уроци от член на едно от най-успешните политически семейства в Канада – семейство Трабъл.
A Small Profile, by a Very Big Person
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference!
I founded two companies in London. The first was The Help London, a business offering various services to private houses. It enabled me to entirely fund all of my social initiatives. The pursuit of excellence in the services that I have provided has been essential for my accomplishments. No matter who I was serving, my clients or my fellow citizens, I always desired to provide the best service possible and experience the pride of success! After a few years in London, I was certified by the British Butler Institute, the world's foremost authority on personalised and luxurious service. I simply dare to excel!
Iliyan Kuzmanov
In Venice, together with The British Butler Institute team
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.
The Honourable Golden Key
Honorary Golden Key in Bulgaria for social work and successful Bulgarian writer abroad, recognizing societal contributions and social work.
There is only one true aristocracy . . . and that is the aristocracy of passionate souls!
Rock And Roll Literature
Pilgrim... As Understanding of the World
The Angel Social Group has a deep corporate culture based on philosophical and spiritual beliefs influenced by the long travels of its founder Ilian Kuzmanov.
The road is my perception of the world and travel is a way of life. I have visited dozens of countries... I have lived in many places, countries, continents,... I have studied in public, private and religious institutions... I have worked, taught, motivated, served the community, done civic organizations, participated in political,... I've done business, some of which have generated millions, others have failed, I've created social and innovative enterprises,... I've explored cultures, customs, people, religions, social and political systems,... it's been a journey for me, more than a pilgrimage, in which I've sought and found myself and my place in society.
Iliyan Kuzmanov
Творчески произведения и награди
Democracy, Freedom and Individualism
Art as a Tool for Change
Intellect in the Service of Truth
A Mind of Brilliance: A Member of Mensa
Kuzmanov's intellectual prowess is evident in his writing. As a member of Mensa Bulgaria, an exclusive society for individuals with high IQs, he stands as one of the most intelligent Bulgarians, with an IQ well above that of Einstein. His exceptional intellect shines through in his thought-provoking narratives and intricate exploration of complex themes.
MENSA Bulgaria
You have to believe in yourself when no one else will...
Boxing, contact sports, it's stronger than philosophy and understanding, it's concepts about not how to win, but how to learn to lose. One win, comes at the cost of numerous losses. In life, in business, we want to win without being willing to lose, without being able to lose, filled with fear of the smallest failure. What I have learned from boxing is ultimately that both the hero and the coward experience the same thing, but the hero uses his fear, transfers it to his opponent, and the coward runs away. Fear is the same thing, but it's what you do with it that's important; it's also our relationship to failure, to pain, to loss. I would use the Buddhist maxim that life is pain, and pain is in the wake of our desires, expectations, to stop the pain we just have to get rid of them.
Global Warming isn't a Prediction....